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Increasing adult stem cell production

Several studies have found that when glyconutrients are added to the diet, they tend to cause adult stem cell production to increase by a factor of 100. For example 1 micro litre of blood in a person not taking any glyconutrients would contain 4 to 5 stem cells per micro litre, whereas the blood of a person using moderate amounts of glyconutrients will contain 400 to 500 per micro litre. The implications of this are far-reaching and more study is underway.

Stem cells have the ability to regenerate any other cell in the body. Thus a stem cell can become a neuron, a liver cell, a brain cell, a fingernail cell etc.

It is no wonder that the research community would like to find out how to increase the body’s natural production of stem cells from bone marrow where they are made. In a 2003 article from the Journal of the American Medical Association, a group of researchers from John Hopkins Medical Center released a study that donor stem cells had been found to have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier. Their next question was could these stem cells help to correct problems in the brain by changing themselves into the defective brain cells and to promote the growth of new neurons?

At the same time in a separate field of study Dr. McDaniel from the Fischer Institute had been trying to understand how many patients with neurological disorders began showing improved brain function after their diets were supplemented with glyconutrients and other micronutrients.

The next logical step after this observation was to determine if, in fact, the glyconutrients had anything to do with increasing the production of stem cells. If this could be proved true, as it seemed to be, it would mean that with a diet supplemented with glyconutrients, a person’s body would be capable of creating more stem cells. These stem cells with their inherent knowledge of where they are needed, would head to the brain to promote growth of new neurons to replace the damaged and defective neurons there. In time, this could mean increased and improved brain function in patients suffering from many neurological disorders.

Currently, the scientific community is conducting studies to prove this correlation. However, for those looking for answers now, take a look at the individual case studies where numerous people have found that by adding glyconutrients to their diet they have been able to better their neurological brain function. One study, conducted by Dr. McDaniel, appears to support the theory that glyconutrients dramatically boost adult stem cell production.

To understand why people have such dramatic results after they begin taking glyconutrients, you need to take a look at how and why the body begins the disease process. First of all, glyconutrients are not prescription drugs that are prescribed to “cure” or “treat” any particular condition. They are a food. In fact, they are sugars. When you think of sugar, you probably think of the white stuff you put on top of your cereal.


However, it has been discovered that all of our cells contain sugars at their core. Without these sugars, the cells cannot communicate properly. There are 8 of these known sugars today, but most diets only contain 2 of these sugars. Fortunately, your body can manufacture the other 6 sugars, however due to stress and other factors; this process can be slowed down or come to a grinding halt. When this happens, cells begin to miss-communicate and the disease process begins.

Once the disease process begins, your immune system recognizes that something is wrong and tries to defend the body against the disease. As with any war, if your immune system has enough “ammunition” to battle the disease, your body will return to its original state of health. However, if your immune system does not have the ammunition or the proper artillery to handle the disease, the disease begins to get the upper hand and your health declines.

You may be asking yourself where glyconutrients play a role in this disease process. As mentioned before, glyconutrients are not prescription drugs. They are naturally occurring sugars and found in certain plants. When you add these sugars to your diet, your cells have the necessary components to communicate effectively. It’s this very process that allows your body to win the war against the disease and heal itself. As stated previously, glyconutrients do not cure or treat conditions. Rather, they allow the body to “treat” or defend itself against diseases.

For years, doctors believed that when you ate sugars, they were immediately converted to energy. In fact some doctors went as far as saying that eating any dietary supplements (such as vitamins purchased at the grocery store) did little or nothing to support cellular communication in your body. As a result, a study was conducted to understand what happened when a person added glyconutrients to their diet to determine whether or not they were converted to energy or absorbed into the body. The study showed that the body did not convert glyconutrients to energy as previously thought. The bottom line is that you can eat glyconutrients and gain significant health benefits.

Glycoprotein cell receptors

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